September 22, 2012

Interview with Patty Apostolides

Posted in Interviews tagged , , , , , at 3:11 pm by Christine Rice

Today I will be interviewing author Patty Apostolides. Patty and I met on our Facebook pages. She was having a giveaway for her books and I ended up winning a copy of Lipsi’s Daughter (which, by the way, I will be reviewing here in November)!

Patty Apostolides is a Greek American biologist and classical musician who decided after years of being a career woman to marry her adorable husband. Shortly after, she became a stay-at-home mother to an equally adorable son. Besides cooking, cleaning house, sharpening pencils, and homeschooling, she has penned three romance novels: Lipsi’s Daughter, The Lion and the Nurse, and The Greek Maiden and the English Lord. Her other writing includes, but is not limited to: a poetry book and medical articles.

How, and when, did you decide to become a novelist?

I have always wanted to write a novel, and the opportunity presented itself twelve years ago when I became a stay-at-home mother with time on my hands. Prior to that, I was too busy working as a research scientist in the healthcare industry, and co-writing medical articles. I have also penned poetry, and played viola in different orchestras.

What interests you about writing fiction?

What I love about writing fiction is that it provides an avenue for my imagination and creativity. It is an art form, just like music and painting, which utilizes the right brain. Writing fiction also allows me to utilize my left brain when I research different cultures, time periods, and facts for my stories. I am constantly learning about life when I write. It is quite an adventure.

How much time do you spend working on your novels each day/week?

I spend approximately three to four hours a day researching, writing, and promoting my novels. My schedule varies, so I don’t have a set time, but my favorite time is in the evening, when all chores are finished and my son is tucked in bed.

What genre do you write, and why?

I write sweet romance novels, and more recently, historical romance. My inspiration for writing romance stems from my marriage. I love my husband dearly, and many times when I write about my heroes, they have qualities that I admire in my husband. I love happy endings, and all of my stories have happy endings.

How do you come up with an idea for a new novel?

That is a good question. Sometimes I remember movies or stories in the past that inspired me or that I loved, and I’ll draw ideas from them. For example, Lipsi’s Daughter was inspired by the Cinderella story, where the poor girl marries the prince and lives happily ever after. Other times, an idea or image will come to me as I’m traveling, visiting art museums, observing people around me, or even watching the news or a movie. It can come from anywhere. Then I will play with the storyline in my mind, turning it over, trying to picture where it will lead. When I am comfortable with it, I’ll sit down and begin writing.

What are your favorite characters that you have created? Tell us about them.

All my heroines and heroes in my stories are my favorite characters, like Ipatia and Tony from Lipsi’s Daughter, or Cassiani and Leo from The Lion and the Nurse, or Lily and Edward from The Greek Maiden and the English Lord. In these stories, the heroine is kind and caring, and somewhat naïve. She experiences difficulties in life and tries to overcome them. The hero tends to be gentle and noble, with high ideals. They have strong belief systems that pull them through difficult times.

What is the title of your most recently published novel and a description of it?

The Greek Maiden and the English Lord is a historical novel that takes place in the 19th century in England. The story revolves around Lily, who was captured by gypsies as a child during the Greek war of Independence. When she is sixteen, she finds out that her real parents are an English Lord and a Greek heiress. Her journey to England in search of her real parents is not only a physical journey, but a coming-of-age journey of self-discovery. She is sent to a boarding school by relatives to await her father’s return and to learn to be a lady. There, she meets Edward, whom she loves, but he is engaged to another. When Lily visits her familial home, she encounters traumatic memories buried deep inside of her. Will she be able to overcome her hidden past in order to accept the love that awaits her?

Where can we find your novels?

More information about my novels can be found on my website:

Also, my novels are available on and other online bookstores.

Do you have any advice for other authors?

Yes, just keep writing. Persistence really pays off. The more you write, the more you publish, and the more people will read your books. Also, if you don’t get a traditional publisher at first, self-publishing is another option. The important thing is to get your books out there to your readers.

Thanks for joining us, Patty. It has been nice getting to know you and your books!


  1. This is a great interview. I love hearing the stories of how other authors get started, and how they manage their lives around writing. I’ll be sure to check out your books, Patty.

    Again, great article, Christine.

  2. Patty I would love to hear how you found time to write with a little one around. As a new mom I am constantly looking for better ways to incorporate writing into my new life.

  3. Katrina,

    When my son was a baby, he took regular naps, and that window of time (2-3 hours) was the perfect beginning for me to write. It was quiet, without any interruptions. His naps lasted for several years until he was a toddler, so I had plenty of time to write my novels. As he got older, I became more creative with my time…I would write in the evenings after he went to sleep, and that seems to be the norm now.

    Hope that helped!

    • Patty,

      Thanks so much for the reply. I’m still trying catch more sleep or eat most times when he naps. More time seems to spring up as he gets a little older, he is a just under 3 months at the moment. So perhaps in a few more months it will be even easier. I’m just impatient. lol

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